Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why do we use blogs?

We can use blogs for many things; to express our thoughts, to give an opinion about any or a particular matter, and to interact with people without knowing them.
In my case, I'll use this space to post experiences I've had since I came to New York. Some of them will be funny, even embarrassing. You'll see.


Keston said...

This is something i can certainly relate too.. Being that i came from Trinidad and going straight into High School was an experience by itself. Everyone asked when i came off the banana boat or which part of Jamaica i came from. It made me start to get into a shell and hardly spoke at times. Then i taught about it.... what the hell do i care.. lol

tawana said...

I'm actually new to using blogs. I didn't even know about them until I took this class. Anyway, I just wanted to say I like the look of your blog.It's vibrant and really stands out.