Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Music Under NY"

Oh yeah. You’ve probably seen so many artists performing in NYC train stations. Some of them get actually on the train (distracting you from reading or listening to your own music), and others offer a “mini concert” on the train platform. Well that’s the case of this guy, Peter Joseph Paul and many other bands that play each Saturday and Sunday at 42th St- Times Square. Like many other musical groups, he is a contributor to the "musical culture of New York City" promoted by the MTA. I just think it's nice how the city and the MTA give all these artists an opportunity to show their talent.

Peter Joseph Paul, One Man Band


Anonymous said...

I think it's a good career opportunity too even though sometimes I don't want to heat the noise.

Adam said...

I agree it is nice of the mta to not crack down on these performers. However, when riding the train, I have noticed that some people do seem perturbed when they are reading or listening to their music that it is an interruption to them.

MalmsteenRulez! said...

wifjuonSome of them are actually pretty cool. It keeps you from getting bored when you forget your mp3 player or something. Certainly beats people watching.